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Re: [Full-disclosure] o lookie, n3td3v is lying elsewhere now

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While I'm not going to outright say you are lying, you generally don't
cite sources and spout your *opinions* as if they are fact.

These together cause many people to look at you as, if not a lame
wannabe, at least not professional.

I have been a lurker on and off here for a while and while I don't post
much at least I choose not to post inaccurate statements and opinions.

Mike Preston

n3td3v wrote:
> Ureleet said:
>> o lookie, n3td3v is lying elsewhere now
> What have I lied about? It's Robert Lemos and Neal Krawetz who lied,
> but then people had an expectation of me because they believed the
> lies that they told. Then I get some idiot on full-disclosure called
> Ureleet complaining because I didn't live upto the expectations talked
> about in the Robert Lemos and Neal Krawetz smear campaign.
> You believe what you read in the media, it's a sad day for you Ureleet
> that I don't live upto your expectation of me, just because Robert
> Lemos and Neal Krawetz say something doesn't mean it's true. Maybe
> your anger that I don't meet your expectations of me should be focused
> at Robert Lemos and Neal Krawetz and not me.
> This is what it's all about with you on full-disclosure, an
> expectation you have of me because of Robert Lemos and Neal Krawetz.
> Please vent your anger to those parties who smear campaigned me and
> not I who has never lied about anything.
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