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Re: [Full-disclosure] does the aim service save chat sessiondetails?

How about you and Netdev email each other off list that would help my spam 
folder greatly.

P.S Happy Turkey day!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Ureleet <ureleet@xxxxxxxxx>

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:55:16 
To: AMILABS<amilabs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] does the aim service save chat session

use otr.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:04 PM, AMILABS <amilabs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Andrew, according to AOL policy and terms of use et. al.
> "Your AIM information, including the contents of your online communications,
> may be accessed and disclosed in response to legal process (for example, a
> court order, search warrant or subpoena), or in other circumstances in which
> AOL has a good faith belief that AIM or AOL are being used for unlawful
> purposes. AOL may also access or disclose your AIM information when
> necessary to protect the rights or property of AIM or AOL, or in special
> cases such as a threat to your safety or that of others"
> So I am presuming that they do store all communications only for legal or
> law enforcement purposes but not for general use from the user community.
> Regards...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Farmer [mailto:andfarm@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 3:42 PM
> Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] does the aim service save chat session
> details?
> On 26 Nov 08, at 11:17, AMILABS wrote:
>> Is AIM IM purely peer to peer or a store and forward type protocol?
> It is neither. In most cases, the server forwards messages from client
> to client, but does not retain them. The client also supports a peer-
> to-peer mode, but it's rarely used.
>> We need
>> to determine if we can recover a past IM chat conversation that
>> occurred
>> over two weeks ago. Our chat client did not have IM logging enabled
>> so we
>> need to know if the "service" archives all chat conversations for law
>> enforcement and legal purposes.
> You'll have to ask AOL about that. If there are server-side logs, they
> are not exposed to users.
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