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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Three London hospitals have been forced to shut down their entire computer systems for at least 24 hours after being hit by a virus

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:32:53 -0400, Jeff MacDonald said:
> > The spokesman said the virus was "not malicious", and the infection
> > was "self-contained".

> How did the computer(s) get infected?

He's using the term "self-contained" to mean "100% of the machines on the
net are infected so it can't get much worse".  You know, kind of how a
fire will eventually go out once it runs out of combustibles.

(And yes, I know there's tire dump, peat, and coal mine fires that have
been smoldering for 30-40 year now... "eventually" doesn't always mean
"in your lifetime")

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