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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v warns sans is being brought intodisrepute by pauldotcom
- To: "nnp" <version5@xxxxxxxxx>, "n3td3v" <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v warns sans is being brought intodisrepute by pauldotcom
- From: infolookup@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 12:57:03 +0000
What notable security worthy thing have you done lately? Both Paul and Larry
IMHO are good at what the do, if not how else would they survive, if you try to
do security for a living you will get far less than the guy on the corner
asking for money.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: nnp <version5@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2008 23:26:28
To: n3td3v<xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v warns sans is being brought into
disrepute by pauldotcom
Idiot says something about group I haven't heard of.
Learn to use line breaks arsehole!
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 6:47 PM, n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> pauldotcom are gangsters masquerading as security professionals, this
> is the opinion of n3td3v. they have a bad name not only because of
> n3td3v but its widely thought by others that pauldotcom are
> questionable entities, this is why n3td3v believes that its a bad
> thing that sans are associated with them, and in time could start to
> bring down the respected name of the sans institute. there are already
> misdemeanors who have managed to get into sans through the internet
> storm center door who are in support of pauldotcom enterprises. n3td3v
> predicts the longer sans are associated with pauldotcom the greater
> they eat away at the credibility and respect that sans built up before
> pauldotcom came onto the scene. there are good people at sans and this
> is why n3td3v is concerned that the good people at sans are being
> bought into disrepute because of pauldotcom and entities who have
> crept into sans through the sans handlers gateway. n3td3v suggests
> both sides consider their positions before moving forward and having
> future association with one another. there have been multiple reports
> on the full-disclosure list that pauldotcom hasn't been upto scratch,
> its time for sans to start to take feedback seriously that is being
> presented to them and consider dropping pauldotcom as a partner of the
> sans brand.
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