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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: 0day auctions, should they be outlawed?

OT i really like the name you put up. Gmail asked me if i wanted to " Invite
some guy posting to full disclosure to chat"

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Some Guy Posting To Full Disclosure <
fd.leach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It's futile trying to use the law to change things.
> It will simply force people into the shadows. Which today involves
> using tor and some Russian web money account.
> I read a slogan from before my time, in a book: "If source is outlawed
> outlaws will have source" - same applies to zero days.
> Anyway I don't think it should be Illegal. I own a set of lock picks -
> I don't intend to break into someone's house. And if I did I'd go to
> jail (for the burglary and being equipped with picks), untill then I'm
> innocent. The UKs law has an attitude like that - I like it!
> Resources should go into actually preventing crimes taking place. Not
> stumbling around hoping that making it awkward for criminals to get
> the tools they need will make a difference.
> Simon.
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