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Re: [Full-disclosure] Disintegrate! Gust of wind! Can we get back to saving the world already?

Ok, I'll bite.  Why, my dear n3td3v, do you consider yourself "elite"?

--- On Tue, 9/23/08, n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Disintegrate! Gust of wind! Can we get back to 
saving the world already?
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 7:40 PM

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Gadi Evron <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've recently been involved in an email thread which, partly by my
> unfortunately degraded into a dirty flame war for a few hours.

So you admit you're a troll?

> Whenever meta discussion takes over real discussion, frustration builds up
> inside me. This comic strip from today which a friend just sent me, seems
> to explain the concept much better than I can.
> FD trolls, take a look.

You're one of the FD trolls, don't try and talk as the 3rd person.

You're constantly on Nanog trolling as well.

You manage to pass off to some as a legit mailing list poster, but
many think you're nothing more than a troll.

You are part of the non-technical elite, you should be on FD asking
for it to be split in two, technical and non-technical, you and me
being on the non-technical.

If we're non-technical we're called trolls, if we're technical
called hackers.

Let's hope John Cartwright sets up 'cyber-politica' soon, so me and
Gadi can get off the technical FD for good and leave the hackers to

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