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Re: [Full-disclosure] [OpenID] OpenID/Debian PRNG/DNS Cache poisoning advisory

Ben Laurie:
Security Advisory (08-AUG-2008) (CVE-2008-3280)

Ben Laurie of Google's Applied Security team, while working with an
external researcher, Dr. Richard Clayton of the Computer Laboratory,
Cambridge University, found that various OpenID Providers (OPs) had
TLS Server Certificates that used weak keys, as a result of the Debian
Predictable Random Number Generator (CVE-2008-0166).

In combination with the DNS Cache Poisoning issue (CVE-2008-1447) and
the fact that almost all SSL/TLS implementations do not consult CRLs
(currently an untracked issue), this means that it is impossible to
rely on these OPs.

This affects any web site and service provider of various natures. It's not exclusive for OpenID nor for any other protocol / standard / service! It may affect an OpenID provider if it uses a compromised key in combination with unpatched DNS servers. I don't understand why OpenID is singled out, since it can potentially affect any web site including Google's various services (if Google would have used Debian systems to create their private keys).

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Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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