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Re: [Full-disclosure] Dan Kaminsky wants podcast with n3td3v

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 8:25 PM, Maxime Ducharme <
mducharme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ROFL agreed :-)
>         +-------------------+             .:\:\:/:/:.
>         |   PLEASE DO NOT   |            :.:\:\:/:/:.:
>         |  FEED THE TROLLS  |           :=.' -   - '.=:
>         |                   |           '=(\ 9   9 /)='
>         |   Thank you,      |              (  (_)  )
>         |       Management  |              /`-vvv-'\
>         +-------------------+             /         \
>                 |  |        @@@          / /|,,,,,|\ \
>                 |  |        @@@         /_//  /^\  \\_\
>   @x@@x@        |  |         |/         WW(  (   )  )WW
>   \||||/        |  |        \|           __\,,\ /,,/__
>    \||/         |  |         |          (______Y______)
> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
> ==================================================================
> Maxime
I am not a troll, I was sending you an e-mail Dan Kaminsky sent me about the
podcast after the blackhat conference that he wants to do with me together.

If you read about n3td3v a troll on Securityfocus by Robert Lemos it was a
smear campaign against n3td3v after a personal grudge with Robert Lemos and

All the best,

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