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Re: [Full-disclosure] Need some help with management

Why don't you sell them on a RedHat based SMB filesharing solution and
install a copy of Security Blanket.  (http://www.trustedcs.com)  RedHat
provides regular updates that keep it pretty secure and with Security
Blanket on there it will stay secure.  Additionally the presence of a non
windows fileserver will help to provide fault tolerance for your network.
Use this box to host back up services for your network.  Having a linux box
to play with will also allow you to set up inexpensive IDS/IPS threat
monitoring solutions.  Instead of netbies transfers you could do it over SSH
with WinSCP. Feel free to give me a ring if you want some help putting
something together for management.

Jesse Bacon

>Appeal to them with language that they understand. Since they don't seem to
>be as technical as you are, appeal to them with a financial and/or legal
>liability argument. Managers understand liability and the bottom line.

>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: Daniel Sichel
>To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 12:51 PM
>Subject: [Full-disclosure] Need some help with management

>My management here wants to put a server on our LAN, not administered by us
>(the IT department) and use a share on it to serve files and data to our
>workstations.  They do not understand why having a server with a file share
>that is NOT part of our secure infrastructure represents a threat to the
>computers accessing it. Keep in mind this is an all Windows network. Sooo,
>if you guys can succinctly explain why having a trusted computer trust an
>untrusted computer is a problem, that would be helpful. Keep in mind we are
>talking to management here. It's kind of like trying to explain why, when
>you are in the United States, it's a bad idea to drive on the left hand
>side of the road. It's just so basic it's not documented anywhere. So,
>please help me explain why netbios and file shares on machines not within
>your network are bad ideas.


>Daniel Sichel, CCNP, MCSE,MCSA,MCTS (Windows 2008)

>Network Engineer

>Ponderosa Telephone (559) 868-6367
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