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Re: [Full-disclosure] Information regarding n3td3v

No one cares about anything you are saying on this list.  Period.

Maybe now that everyone knows your name you'll make some posts that are
worth reading.


On 5/4/08, n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I gave out my name out to a public chat room and the URL of my web
> page of the school I used to go to months ago when I was attending
> that school.
> The person has posted this on Full-Disclosure mailing list, this
> information was in the public domain anyway, and I was aware at some
> point in the future it would eventually make it on to Full-Disclosure
> mailing list.
> My on line contacts were aware of my name previously, I have not been
> hiding who i've been to the people who wanted to know, that's why the
> person who posted the information knew who I was, this is because it
> has always been public information.
> I'm an honest person and have never hidden, that's why the information
> is public and has made it onto Full-Disclosure mailing list.
> I wasn't hacked or was I socially engineered, I gave out the
> information to public chat rooms and IRC on many occasions.
> I just want to clear this matter so we can proceed.
> Yes my name is that name, but I will be continuing to post as n3td3v
> and my style of posting will not change.
> If anything it has energised me to keep going even more, I will not
> give in because someone has posted already public information onto the
> Full-Disclosure mailing list.
> I don't mind my name being given out, even though its not a perfect
> situation.
> If you want to meet up with me in real life, or get any other
> information about me, just ask, there is no reason for doing some kind
> of malicious post of information, which I was freely handing out on
> the back communication channels anyway.
> I put both my hands up and say, yes I am that person and the
> intelligence the person has posted is accurate, but it changes nothing
> in my view of things.
> Everything i've said on Full-Disclosure mailing list I stand by and
> will be willing to take any questions that people have.
> n3td3v is my on line nick name and is staying as such, you may know my
> real name now, but n3td3v and the n3td3v group continue...
> Everything i've said is still the truth to my on line nick name and my
> real name, all the truth that is on the internet is all still the
> truth.
> I may troll about some things, but my history with the underground
> doesn't change, I am who I am and I can't change that.
> I could of ignored the person who post the information, and I did for
> a few days, but i've decided to take the honest approach and say yes
> that's me, now who cares anyway?
> All the best,
> n3td3v
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