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Re: [Full-disclosure] Did n3td3v infulence Google Security Team

I concur :-)

2008/5/1 magickal1 <magickal1@xxxxxxxxx>:

> I don't often write to the list nor contribute much at all at this point
> mostly due to work commitments  but I felt a need to this time.
> Why on earth was this posted to the list?  it provided no usefull
> information.
> It had nothing to do with full disclosure of anything.  all it did was
> waste
> my time and others.  At this point the author of the post has made it to
> the
> filter to hit the trash bin straight off marked as read.
> Do us all a favor...stop posting this crap.  Its pointless, provides no
> information and can be used for nothing.  In a word this post ranked no
> higher than SPAM!
> My 2cents worth.
> Flame away  chances are I'm not going to respond anyway.
> if [ !=n3td3v ] then;
> mv $post spam
> fi
> On Tuesday 29 April 2008 20:50:18
> full-disclosure-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
> > Did n3td3v infulence Google Security Team
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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