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[Full-disclosure] Kiwicon 2k8 - Call For Papers
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] Kiwicon 2k8 - Call For Papers
- From: Kiwicon Crue <kiwicon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:39:59 +1200
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[----------------------------------------------------- www.kiwicon.org ---]
Holy sheepshit, internets! Blanket-Man[1] has wrung out his loin cloth
and is ready to fly-tackle more heavy metal t-shirt wearing nerds with
large egos and irc handles. Yes, it's time to open up your ~/haxing
folder and get your talk together for Kiwicon 2k8! We've put out the
black t-shirts, and deflated some satellite radomes, so where, as our
more criminal yet fetchingly bikini clad cousins might say, the bloody
hell are you?
The Kiwicon Crüe is proud to announce the initial call for presenters
for the second installment of New Zealand's very own security
conference: Kiwicon 2k8.
Kiwicon2k8 is intended to be an informal conference, drawing on the
wider security community of Australia and New Zealand. It will be held
in Wellington, New Zealand, on the weekend of the 27th and 28th of
September, 2008.
Kiwicon's focus is on sharing information; ideas, code, and good whisky,
in a rabelaisan carnival of security, nerdery, and *nix beards.
Last year, the inaugural Kiwicon ended up being kind of a big deal:
highlights included tmasky's mighty Crackstation, the debut of Beau
Butler as an "ethical hacker" making Microsoft "look like turkeys", and
of course the Kiwicon Hax0r Quiz, with the winner taking the grand prize
of An Illustrated Guide to the Commoner Skin Diseases. Hope it came in
handy for the post-con diagnosis phase, dude.
This year, Kiwicon's own Bogan is already making anti-virus vendors
quake in their little signature-laden booties at Defcon's Race to Zero,
and the cauldron of 0h-0h-0hday in Brett Moore's secret Insomnia lair is
bubbling over with pernicious brew. If you missed last Kiwicon (not
"professional enough"? couldn't convince your boss it wasn't a hoax?)
then find one of the 230+ people who were there and ask them if they're
just-not-gonna-bother this year.
Our hosts for the weekend will, once again, be Victoria University of
Wellington. If you have any memory of last year's Kiwicon, then it'll
look disturbingly familiar.
The campus has the advantage of being close to the center of the city
and its' various amenities. This includes cheap accommodation, good
coffee, and, more importantly, several good pubs serving good,
non-Australian, beer.
Kiwicon2k8 is a non-profit, non-commercial, non-corporate-funded event.
Attendance for the entire weekend will cost $50 for employed individuals
(self-employed and salaried). There is a discounted rate of $30 for
students and the unemployed. GST receipts can be issued upon request. If
your management can't be convinced of the value of something that only
costs $50, we're happy to issue you with some kind of personalised
limited edition invitation in crayon, glitter pen, and macaroni
(spray-painted gold for that luxe look) for the low enterprise-only
price of $500.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Crowd Control Techniques and Panic Modeling
- Information Warfare / Industrial Espionage
- Malware (Viruses, Spam, Phishing, Botnets)
- Cellular Networks (GSM,GPRS,CDMA,3G,4G)
- Application Security, Testing, Fuzzing
- Government Spy Networks / Surveillance
- Nanotechnology / Quantum Computing
- Access Control and Authentication
- Wireless / Bluetooth / Infrared
- Social Engineering / Trolling
- Breaking EAL Certified Kit
- Forensics / Antiforensics
- Banking / ATMs / Carding
- Exploitation Techniques
- Layer 1/2/3 Nastiness
- Reverse Engineering
- Phreaking / VoIP
- Virtualisation
- Web Security
- Lockpicking
- Biometrics
- Hypnosis
- Crypto
- Ohday
- 23
There is no pre-determined talk length but we ask that speakers limit
their presentation to an hour, including some question time.
Since Kiwicon is a non-profit organisation, there is no funding
available for travel and/or accomodation, even for IT rockstars.
However, if your talk is accepted, a formal letter will be provided for
employer leverage, and almost certainly, unless you're a complete
jackoff, people will try and buy you beer.
To submit a presentation to Kiwicon2k8, send an email to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx
with the following information:
Name or Handle:
Country of Residence:
Employer (if applicable):
Presentation Title:
Presentation Length:
Presentation Synopsis:
Brief Bio:
[CFP Submissions]
Please submit your CFP by email to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx, no later than 8:47pm
NZST, Sunday 17th September 2008. There will be two rounds of selection,
with the first half of the talks chosen in August, so submit early for a
better chance of acceptance.
[Contacts & Further Information]
Email us: kiwicon@xxxxxxxxxxx
Check the site: http://www.kiwicon.org/
Drop by silc: silc.isig.org.nz:2706/kiwicon
Join the list: kiwicon-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Greetz and thanks to all who helped make Kiwicon 2k7 the awesomeness it
was, we'll see you fuckers again this year. Thick, meaty props to Pipes
for stepping up and making 2k7 happen. We would miss you, but Sharrow's
just as tall, and better looking. Sorry pal.
-- The Kiwicon Crüe, 2k8 - Bogan, Metlstorm & Sharrow. \m/
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Hana
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