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Re: [Full-disclosure] Did n3td3v infulence Google Security Team?

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:08:31 BST, n3td3v said:
> Google issues warning about phishing e-mails
> http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9931539-7.html

And the top comment as I write this is:


"'Phishing' is over 3 years old. Why bother with this post now, in 2008?"

And I have to agree here - if Google finally got on board after all this
time, which is more likely:

1) That somebody high up from the FBI or DHS or other TLA leaned on them to
get with the program already...
2) That they got (or were about to get) a whole pile of bad press in
ComputerWorld or InformationWeek or Bruce Schneier's blog or other information
source often read by other movers-and-shakers...
3) That they listened to some unemployed blogger with no public record of being
taken seriously from the other side of the big puddle.

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