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[Full-disclosure] - CALL FOR PAPERS -

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                             Cirque du 0day

               C A L L   F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

===( What is it? )=======================================================

                    ! ! !   S P E C T A C L E   ! ! !

                  ... like you've never before seen ...

  A two-ring Circus at the most infamous Hacker Conference known to man!

  Gaze in amazement as 0day is dropped before your very eyes in Ring
One while simultaniously in Ring Two acts of spectacle and wonder are
performed!  Wonderous 0day such as the oldest 0day ever dropped and acts
of specatcle such as tumbling 'little people' and sword eaters will fill
your eager eyes with the show that they so truly desire...

  DEFCON 16 will be held at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in FABULOUS Las
Vegas, Nevada, August 8th - 10th 2008.

===( What we need! )=====================================================

  The Cirque du 0day logistics staff are seeking two very different types
of content to make our Circus happen:

                             ===( 0day )===

  What would Cirque du 0day be without 0day?  If you would like to
participate, and are both willing and able to drop an 0day on stage at
DEFCON 16, we invite you to submit your vulnerability!  Full details of
the vulnerability are not required, we simply need to know some basic
facts such as:

  1. What software or hardware the vulnerability is in.

  2. Some general properties such as whether it's pre-auth or post-auth,
     Denial of Service or Code Execution, Local or Remote, etc.

  3. Who you are or what persona/handle you will be presenting the
     vulnerability as. (Anonymous is fine, see below)

  Depending on the amount of time we are alotted at DEFCON 16 for our
event, we will select the top vulnerabilities submitted that we can
cram into our time slot.  Each presenter will be given 10 minutes during
which to disclose their 0day to the audience.  Slides for doing so must
be made available to the Cirque du 0day logistics staff in PowerPoint
(.ppt) format as we will be using a shared laptop and slide deck during
the presentation in order to save time and reduce hassle while switching

  Donations are also accepted!  If you are neither willing nor able to
participate yourself, but have an 0day you'd like dropped, simply note
that fact in your submission and if your vulnerability is chosen we will
get the full details from you and have someone else present it, perhaps
while wearing a black hood and an "ANONYMOUS" t-shirt.

  Please send all 0day vulnerability submissions to mchatner@xxxxxxxxx for
consideration by the Cirque du 0day review board.

                            ===( Cirque )===

  What would Cirque du 0day be without the Cirque?  If you are a
performance artist in the general Las Vegas, Nevada area and specialize
in circus, carnival, or freak show, and can perform your act within a
ten minute time slot, we want to hear from you!  We are specifically
looking for the following acts:

  1. Tumbling "Little People"

  2. Sword and/or Glass Eaters

  3. Contortionist

  Depending on the amount of time we are alotted at DEFCON 16 for our
event, we will choose from the available acts the ones that we feel
will be most entertaining to the audience or has a particular
synergy with a selected 0day vulnerability.  Acts will be performed
during a 10 minute time window alongside the presentation of an 0day
vulnerability to the DEFCON conference audience, therefore we will not
be able to have audible accompanyment to the act other than announcement
by the Ring Master before and immediately after the act; during the act
the audience must be able to hear the 0day vulnerability presentation.

  Acts may or may not be compensated, depending on how things work out
with the conference, however your place in history will be secured,
having performed in the very first annual Cirque du 0day at the biggest
underground hacker conference in the world!

  Please contact mchatner@xxxxxxxxx if you are interested in performing
during Cirque du 0day.

===( Logistics )=========================================================

  Obviously, participants will need to be in Las Vegas, Nevada, during
the DEFCON conference on August 8th through 10th, 2008.  We are currently
investigating how this will work with the conference, whether all
participants (including circus acts) will require conference passes,
local fire and police codes regarding what types of acts we will be able
to perform (likely no fire eaters or spinners as it's an indoor event),
and so forth.  If you contact us regarding 0day or Cirque acts, you
have the option to be put on our announcement list to stay updated as
things develop.

  We look forward to your participation!

    ___ _                            _          ___      _
   / __(_)_ __ __ _ _   _  ___    __| |_   _   / _ \  __| | __ _ _   _
  / /  | | '__/ _` | | | |/ _ \  / _` | | | | | | | |/ _` |/ _` | | | |
 / /___| | | | (_| | |_| |  __/ | (_| | |_| | | |_| | (_| | (_| | |_| |
 \____/|_|_|  \__, |\__,_|\___|  \__,_|\__,_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\__, |
                 |_|                                             |___/

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/