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[Full-disclosure] Employment Opportunities for Java/.NET Programmers and pen-testers

Employment Opportunities for Java/.NET Programmers and pen-testers
The Internal Revenue Service IT Security Architecture and Engineering's
Advanced Technical Analysis Team (ITSAE@@) has "Immediate Hire"
authority to hire programmers who have very competent to outstanding
skills in Java or .NET environments and equally qualified penetration
Programmers would be trained in application security using the a
combination of their skills and the latest static source code analysis
tools (Fortify, Ounce Labs, Klocwork, Code Sonar).  
Pen-testers would focus on dynamic application-focused testing using a
combination of their skills and the latest application-focused
penetration tools (Hailstorm, Metasploit, etc.).
ITSAE provides security architectural and engineering support to the
project teams working on hundreds of annual IT project at the IRS.  We
focus on creating the security that the FISMA certification and
accreditation process documents.  We are NOT a documentation team, but
work directly with IT project teams to provide knowledge,
recommendations, and risk assessments.  If you've ever wanted to do
security engineering that actually results in improved security, this is
ITSAE is in the process of standing up an Advanced Technical Analysis
Team, whose purpose will be to provide "in-development" and
"pre-implementation" security artifact assessment, analyzing software
architectures and implementations from requirements through design, tool
and product specification, coding, installation, and user configuration.
This Team will perform static source code security assessments,
application focused penetration testing, recommend architectural and
implementation mitigations, and assess residual risk in finished
This is a very collegial organization of highly skilled individuals
where knowledge is the "coin of the realm."  We may be the highest
ranking collection of non-manager wire heads and bit-twiddlers in the
IRS and maybe the whole federal government.
The truth of the above statement is reflected in the hiring levels for
the positions mentioned above.  We are looking for two GS-14s and two
GS-15s with hiring level determined by applicant skill levels.  The
normal federal employment background check is required.
Work location would be at the New Carrollton Federal Building (NCFB) in
Lanham, Maryland.  The complex is directly adjacent to the Washington
New Carrollton Metro Station.  The job includes a Public Transportation
Subsidy Program.
Resumes should be submitted ASAP to James.R.Lindley@xxxxxxxx
Thanx for your time.
James R Lindley
Senior Computer Engineer
SSE-CMM Appraiser, MCSE, MCT, CNSS 4013, A+
IT Security Architecture and Engineering
MITS System Integration
An unquenchable thirst for Pierian waters.
James R Lindley
Senior Computer Engineer
SSE-CMM Appraiser, MCSE, MCT, CNSS 4013, A+
IT Security Architecture and Engineering
MITS System Integration
Cube: NCFB C6-462
Cube: 202-283-1590
Cell: 410-703-4127
An unquenchable thirst for Pierian waters.
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