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Re: [Full-disclosure] nEtdEv is what?
- To: "Pete Simpson" <Pete.Simpson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] nEtdEv is what?
- From: Ureleet <ureleet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 21:34:48 -0400
conspriacy theorist much? probablt not a good thing to post from ur work
email address. good thing you have that long obnoxious sig that tells me
that your theories are not your employeers! whew!
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Pete Simpson <Pete.Simpson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 17:56:20 BST, nEtdEv said:
> > Security threater is good because it scares potential terrorists from
> > being caught. It keeps the terrorists on their toes and worrying all
> > the time.
> ...
> > Usually airports combine security threater and real security together,
> > and thats got to be a good thing, not a bad thing.
> Puerile, (Latin for young man in recognition of your sensitivity to
> ageist remarks) I was reluctant to respond to this thread, as many
> serious list subscribers 'black hole' any mail containing the string
> "nEtdEv", but this one was just irresistable.
> Your research assignment (not difficult) is to identify the companies
> responsible for electronic/physical security at Dulles International
> airport, United Airlines, the WTC (9/11) Madrid railway station (3/11)
> and London Underground (7/7). Then explain the mysterious lack of CCTV
> evidence. Oh, and in case you solve that too quickly - consider why WT7,
> a 47 storey building came down at near freefall speed (5.6 secs): just
> elementary mathematics. Ask Guiliani next time you see him, he knows
> why.
> The first security rule of terrorism is False Flag. On their toes? The
> real terrorists are rolling on the floor laughing their socks off at the
> airport security theatre they then imposed on their hapless victims. Ask
> Chertoff next time you see him ;-)
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