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Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v has a fan
- To: n3td3v@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] n3td3v has a fan
- From: Ureleet <ureleet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 14:28:26 -0400
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 2:02 PM, n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Why do I get a feeling you're trying to take me on, good luck with
> that by the way...
i dont know why you feel that way. you tell me how you feel. how am i
supposed to know how you feel? im not taking you on, i dont care.
> yes you've managed to grasp i'm political, now are
> you stepping forward to be a serious contender against n3td3v?
no, no one is 'challenging' you. i am just sharing my views, as is everyone
else on the list about you. it seems pretty negative at this point.
> Well
> you've got a lot of catching up to do, I have 9 years of networked
> contacts and political power base built up in the security community
> and is continuing to grow.
and? i havent seen any major corporations (or anything) step up to support
you either. all i see is that you are full of
> Politically i'm years ahead than you, so if
> you're going to take me on as yourself then you don't seem like a
> strong opposition.
how do you know that you are ahead of me? assumption? or cockiness?
> The only group that is near in size that's already took n3td3v on
> politically was Funsec group, they post a sophisticated smear campaign
> against n3td3v headed by Neal Krawetz in the form of a PDF report, and
> they still couldn't win political points. So what's chance has
> "Ureleet" got?
who says i am trying to win anything? i'm just sharing my opinion, the same
as you shuld be doing, but instead you are trying to have a pissing contest
with the community. i read dr krawetz's paper, i thought it was
interesting, and i did observe some interesting things about you.
especially in terms of your writing style. some times its correct,
sometimes its not. i think dr krawetz's paper is interesting, i am not sure
if its correct. nor do i care.
> You're nothing compared to Funsec group, and they weren't a good
> enough contender, so are you going to form a "Ureleet group"?
you assume i am nothing, and i have no need to form a group, again, i dont
care. just sharing my opinion, and trying to understand why no one (that i
have seen on here) believes or listens to you. im not saying that someone
doesn't listen to you, somewhere, but i havent seen it here. no, i am not
going to ask you for proof, because im not participating in the pissing
contest you are presently having with everyone else. and a ureleet group is
just absurd. laughable at best. sad that n3td3v is a group, and can't be
just a person.
> I've
> been looking for cyber security political groups to step forward to
> create a cyber security political circuit for a while,
like the webcam rings of the late 90's? sweet.
> its been boring
> that its only n3td3v group and Funsec group on the circuit so far, so
> I welcome you to setup your own political party, and take me or Funsec
> group on.
i don't care. said it.
> Maybe you should join arms with Funsec group, thats your only chance
> dude, but I don't think you've got the will power and political
> knowhow to take me on since of what i'm already sitting on and you
> appear to be a noob to the political scene taking me on.
im not going to ask you to define noob, because that then would elicit a
response from you... i have no need to join a group. i participate in the
things i find interesting. you, presently, are interesting. simply because
you are so... i don't know.. i can't think of the word
> As far as i'm aware you're somebody working on your own, and you're
> not part of any political groups, so you're not going to be taken as a
> serious contender against n3td3v.
fine, i'm not a 'warring faction' against n3tdev. dont care to be, dont
know why you want me to be.
> I suggest you unsubscribe from n3td3v group if you don't like it and
> are against it so publically.
im not against it, i am just glad i know where you stand now., as i said.
> The president of Funsec group is Gadi Evron, you should know him...
i do.
> you're currently talking to the president of n3td3v. So Ureleet, step
> forward, form a political group, then come back and speak to me.
nah. meh.
> http://groups.google.com/group/n3td3v
> <http://groups.google.com/group/n3td3v>
> https://linuxbox.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/funsec
> <https://linuxbox.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/funsec>
> [Ureleet political party goes here?]
ureleet@xxxxxxxxx thats all i need.
> You're either with Funsec or you're with n3td3v, make your decision or
> setup your own political group to take both of our groups on.
or i am all by myself like most people. another word for group is gang. do
you feel the need to be part of a gang? create warring factions?? wtf is
wrong with you.
> All the best,
thank you.
> n3td3v
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