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[Full-disclosure] CFP - ekoparty 4th edition

ekoparty 4th edition - www.ekoparty.com.ar
Information Security/Insecurity Conference.
October 2 and 3, 2008
Argentina - Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires

Ekoparty 4th edition is recruiting everyone who is interested in showing
their researches and/or develops in the field of Information

The author of a selected speech will be able to attend as event speaker.
In the case that a speech has shared authors, no more than 3 will be
allowed to present it.

*Where to send speeches*

Speeches shall be sent as attached file to the following email:
charlas (at) ekoparty (dot) com (dot) ar. [email concealed] Speeches
will be received until September 1st

*How to send speeches*

The following data shall be included in the proposal:

* Title
* Author(s): First and Last name, short personal description, domicile,
association, organization, or company they belong to if applicable.
* Estimated delivery time: Speeches usually last 45 minutes. In case of
needing more or less time it is going to be evaluated in pre-selection
* Short description of the speech: One or two paragraphs explaining -not
briefly- delivery content.
* Target speech level: To classify as: newbie
* Required skills: Specify required skills of attendants.
* Topic: General topic to which the speech belongs to (Network Security,
Forensic, Secure Programming, 0day attacks, Wireless Security, etc).
* Author/s's Phone number.
* Author/s's home address.

Important dates:
* September 1st - Paper submission close
* September 5th - EKO Trainings announce
* September 30th - First EKO Training day
* October 1st - Second EKO Training day
* October 2nd - ekoparty security conference day one
* October 3rd - ekoparty security conference day two

*Deliverers expenses*
When possible, the expenses of deliverers (passages tickets, transfers,
lodgings) of those
who are out of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires will be charged to

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/