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Re: [Full-disclosure] let's name something after dude vanwinkle

On behalf of the thousands of members of full disclosure who are not
at all interested in your prepubescent comments, I say: shut the fuck
up. Kthx.

On 2/22/08, worried security <worriedsecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 3:33 PM, Andrew A <gluttony@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > dear mengele,
> >
> > n3td3v isn't gobbles. rocky is pretty sharp and hilarious. n3td3v is only
> > unintentionally funny.
> n3td3v is fucking sharp and is about the takeover and the win, fuck the
> comedy.
> i watched die hard 4.0 last night and was energised by it.
> the DHS keep making everything electronic, but don't think about the
> potential cyber terrorist attacks they create.
> http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jE_bOUpQb6MxrxSQno3N6gEdY-MAD8UVH3800
> if you make everything electronic, make sure you have old skool
> backups which are run by old skool methods of cup and string, because
> if the bad guys strike, they will strike knowing your technology and
> its backups.
> i thought the die hard 4.0 movie was going to be crap, but it actually
> highlighted a lot of real life potentials that got my mind thought
> processes working, i'm suprised the U.S government didn't VETO the
> release of DIE HARD 4.0, since they are still struggling to decide
> where to build their U.S cyber command LOL.
> I will apply for the MI5/GCHQ cyber command and hopefully i will get
> gadi evron's home address and send him my good wishes.
> I don't need to work for MI5/GCHQ to find out all the troll's personal
> infos, i already have contacts with guys in there, who pay me off with
> info, for being an informant in the online cyber world.
> seriously though, ROFL at the U.S cyber command. Played any video games
> lately?
> http://www.news.com/News.com-Extra/8601-9373_3-9869337.html?communityId=2056&messageId=306273#306273
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