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[Full-disclosure] Article: FaceBook ImageUploader4.1.OCX Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability





Dror Chevion 
Founder & Managing Director 
MC Group Ltd. 

Aviv Tower 

7 Jabotinsky St. 
Ramat Gan 
Israel 52520 

Tel: +972-73-2230000

Fax: +972-77-7050013 

 <http://www.MC-Grp.com> http://www.MC-Grp.com


JPEG image

FaceBook ImageUploader4.1.OCX Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Release Date:
Feb 11, 2008

Date Reported:
Dec 23, 2007

High (Remote Code Execution)

FaceBook (originally Aurigma)

Systems Affected:
FaceBook Image Uploader and earlier (Microsoft Windows only)

FaceBook is the world's largest Social Network. It has about 60 million users.
MC Group has discovered a critical vulnerability in FaceBook's Image Uploader.
The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to reliably overwrite the entire 
overwriting the SEH handler and to execute arbitrary code in the context of the 
who executed Internet Explorer.

Technical Details:
When assigning a value to any string type attribute of the ImageUploader class,
the value is copied into a fixed size buffer on the stack. As there is no length
validation imposed prior to the copying function, the stack-based buffer can be
overflowed by whatever is passed into the attribute.

The "ImageUploader4.1.OCX" module is compiled with the "/GS" flag, therefore 
is a security cookie protection. This protection can be bypassed by overwriting 
SEH handler.

On XP SP2 systems, *Almost* all modules used by Internet Explorer are compiled
with SafeSEH, therefore to exploit the vulnerability an unsecured module must
be used, such as LPK.DLL. It is also possible to bypass the protection of 
with non executable stack by using the classic return to libc method returning
into VirtualProtect.

To achieve exploitation across all versions of windows, it is possible to 
the heap and jump to a constant chosen address. Using this method an attacker 
not execute code on systems with Software DEP enabled on iexplore.exe.

Work Around:
To work around this vulnerability, if you are not actively using FaceBook's
Image Uploader you can execute the command-line to uninstall the ActiveX:
"regsvr32 /u %windir%\downlo~1\ImageUploader4.1.OCX"
Or by turning on the KillBit at (so the ActiveX cannot be created under 
Internet Explorer)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\
"Compatibility Flags"=DWORD:0x400

By Un-Registering this ActiveX, Uploading files to FaceBook using the Image 
will not be possible, thereby mitigation this vulnerability.

Proof Of Concept:

One of FaceBook's initial responses:
"We received your demo, and we?ve been working with an outside vendor to confirm
the results. Going forward, please communicate exclusively with myself or our
security team regarding these findings."

One of FaceBook's last responses:
"Your report has been taken seriously, we are currently working with an outside
vendor to address the issue. We do appreciate that you have reported this into 
however the issue is taking longer to address than expected from our vendor."

Vendor Status:
FaceBook has released a patch for this vulnerability. We had not been notified.
Unfortunately the ActiveX doesn't have an "Auto Update" mechanism and therefore
the vulnerability, will NOT be automatically fixed for the users. There is a 
solution in which the owner of the domain which uses this ActiveX will add code 
installation of the NEW FIXED ACTIVEX at the MAIN PAGE.
For Example: if I am a FaceBook user and I uploaded my images and the next time 
will upload another image is in 3 month, I will be vulnerable for the next 3 

The patch is available at (FaceBook, user must be logged in and create an 

Extra Details:
Aurigma has sold this product to more than 131 companies around the world.
The most common way they deploy this product is by giving it a new title and a 
UNIQE CLASSID and recompile it for each of their clients. This means that each
?client? of all companies in this list is VULNERABLE and should demand that
Aurigma create and APPLY A FIX for their version of the product.
If we make a rough estimation: in the worst case every company on the list has
managed to attract 1000 surfers that have installed the ActiveX to upload 
this would make 131 * 1000 = 131,000 VULNERABLE computers. This of course is 
an unrealistic estimate and the actual numbers are much greater!  And if you 
take into
consideration that some of the companies on the list are very successful and 
attracted millions of clients, it is clear that the number of vulnerable users 
is HUGE!
For a list of the large companies in terms of number of users:

Time Line:
12/31/2007 Initial vendor notification
01/03/2008 MC calls FaceBook to ask what?s going on?
01/03/2008 FaceBook says: ??I have forwarded your message to others within our
           organization so they can investigate.?
01/08/2008 MC communicates with FaceBook telling them: ?We have not heard from
           you since last week!?
01/08/2008 FaceBook reply that ??based on all the communication i have seen from
           you guys thus far, i am unaware of the specific vulnerability you are
           concerned about.?
01/09/2008 MC replies: ??We are willing to discuss all this and also talk about 
           solution which we have conceived. I do not know your position in the
           organization and I think this vulnerability deserves the attention 
of a
           "C level individual. I ask that someone on the appropriate level 
           me about all this (office or mobile).?
01/09/2008 FaceBook replies: ??This was just passed along to me today, I'm 
           in hearing what you found. Could you please be more specific about 
01/11/2008 MC replies: ?Why don't we set up a conference call for sometime later
           today?! When is a good time for you??
01/11/2008 FaceBook rejects MC?s proposal: ??It will be for the best if we 
           communication over email because of the time difference. If it?s 
           with you, could you continue on with what you found??
MC replies: ??If you want to do this through email please send me your PGP 
Public Key
           so we can send you a proper encrypted email.?
01/14/2008 MC sends FaceBook the encrypted demonstration: ??Attached is the 
           For more help from us please contact us.?
01/15/2008 MC asks FaceBook: ?Please update me?. 
           Face Book return with: ??We?re noticing that parameters sent to the 
           are length checked and forced to be integers. Do you have a proof of 
           to better display the vulnerability??
01/16/2008 MC replies with: ?The POC (Proof Of Concept=demonstration) is 
statistic, so
           it works between the first test to the 10th  run (it can be made to 
           almost 100% on all windows versions but we did not go to the trouble 
of doing
           all that work). The length of assignment of string type attributes 
is not
           checked! Attached is a demonstration that will execute the windows 
           on your computer (if windows XP, SP2 Professional). Please update.?
01/22/2008 MC gets anxious and send FaceBook the following message: ?Dear  
           management, Have not heard back from you, although I have left 
messages for
           you. We would like to know that you are dealing with this situation 
           as you know, the danger to your users is immediate and the damage 
could be
           extensive. What is going on?? 
           FaceBook responds with: ??We received your demo, and we?ve been 
working with
           an outside vendor to confirm the results. Going forward, please 
           exclusively with myself or our security team regarding these 
           And MC tells FaceBook that: ??When you say speed up the process what 
do you
           mean? If you're looking for a "cure" - we know what needs to be done 
and can
           help you.?
01/29/2008 MC loses its patients and lets FaceBook know that: ??I have not 
heard a word
           from you since my email to you a week ago! Therefore, I will not 
limit myself
           from communicating only with you or your security team, as you 
           ?Facebook is not taking this seriously and you do not appreciate our 
           which was offered without any demands whatsoever! We said we are not 
           for anything from Facebook ... As you are well aware, a month has 
passed from
           our initial correspondence to Facebook and our patience and goodwill 
have been
           The following day (01/30) MC got this note from FaceBook: ??Your 
report has
           been taken seriously, we are currently working with an outside 
vendor to
           address the issue. We do appreciate that you have reported this into 
           however the issue is taking longer to address than expected from our 
           We are pressuring them with how important this issue is, not only 
from our
           viewpoint but from yours. We will provide you with an update about 
           software when one is available.
           And MC replied with: ??As I wrote to you before, why don?t you talk 
to OUR
           people ? they can help you with this issue and also with a 
02/04/2008 MC sent yet another inquiry: ??I hope to get an update from you 
sometime today. I don?t know why you decided to NOT take my offer regarding 
talking to our people about this. I think this will save you time and money! 
The offer still stands.?
           The next day we got this: ??I appreciate your efforts to report this 
           to us. For future reports, we may consider bringing in an outside 
           In this case it has made more sense to work directly with the vendor 
           supplied the software.?
02/09/2008 MC wrote that: ??We have seen that you put out a new release that is 
           to fix the problem that we have been talking about??
02/11/2008 MC has not heard from FaceBook since February 5th!

Rafel Ivgi, "The-Insider"

xbxice (thx a lot!!!), the_pull, Dror Shalev, Aviv Raff, pedram, Noam Rathaus, 
dr. T

Copyright (c) 2006-2008 MC Group Ltd.
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There are no warranties, implied or express, with regard to this
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MC Group Ltd.
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