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Re: [Full-disclosure] Brute force attack - need your advice

To clarify my last post. I agree with alan.

I mean it will help with the low hanging fruit. and I didn't get that deep into how to run his auth. Thanks for adding. also disable remote root access su to root if you need that. root=localhost only.

port knocking works very well too.

Thanks again for the add alan

On Feb 12, 2008, at 4:17 AM, A.L.M.Buxey@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


have pasted and also the advice on keeping the SSH on a different port.

run SSH on a different port?  oka, dumb scanners wont find it, but
others will. just dont use password-based SSH and dont let it be wide
open to the whole internet (firewall it to the addresses you need - and add in a port-knocker if you do need to open from a different location)


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