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Re: [Full-disclosure] Dude VanWinkle's Death

I always think of these pics when those precious snowflakes post nonsense:




Attention whores, the lot of them.

Par for the course...

On Mon, February 11, 2008 2:51 pm, Geoffrey Gowey wrote:
> I can't even believe some of the people on this list would take this
> posting as a joke.  This could have been any of us.  Disagreeing about a
> persons opinion and discussing is part of being on this list, but it's
> something else entirely when, solely based on what they voiced on a
> professional mailing list about professional topics, some of the members
> are rejoicing. Now that is just purely tasteless and cold hearted.
> I guess the fact that these people who are rejoicing are the same group
> that hide behind anonymous mail just goes to show that keyboard bravery
> really can separate a person from their humanity.  For those of you
> keyboard warriors who may disagree with some of the people here and voice
> your disagreement in a manner befitting a toddler I normally chalk up
> your nonsense to immaturity, but celebrating the death of someone who
> maintained his professionalism is inhuman.  It has been par for the
> course for years to have a heavy helping of nonsense come from those who
> would hide their identity not for professional reasons, but for them to
> act out what Freud defined as their Id.  This topic, however, shows these
> same bunch of people for what they truly are: self-serving immature
> cowards.
> I never knew really knew this person while he was alive and I am not
> trying to paint a picture of him as a saint, but for the immature lot on
> this list now would be a good time to know when to refrain from your
> impulse of banging out some immature posting.  Show some small measure of
> humanity and let those affected who knew this person grieve without your
> antics.
> On Feb 11, 2008 7:40 AM, Jonathan Glass <jonathan.glass@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> http://www.timesreporter.com/index.php?ID=79446&r=6&Category=7
>> Justin Marcus Polazzo, 31, of Atlanta, Ga., was found dead in his home
>> on Feb. 4, 2008. He was born in Alma, Mich., on Dec. 31, 1976.
>> At the time of his death, Justin was employed at the Georgia Institute
>> of Technology's Office of Information Technology in the Division of
>> Architecture and Infrastructure.
>> Justin is survived by his parents, mother Carol Anson Stanwyck (Doug),
>> and father Free Polazzo (Janet), brother Chad Polazzo (Lori), and
>> stepsister Liz Stanwyck. Other area surviving relatives are Betty
>> Anson, Wendy (Wagner) Muzechuk, Ashley and Maggie Haverfield and James
>> Anson (Marilyn) from Illinois.
>> A memorial service will be held Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008, in Atlanta.
>> It's been a sad week for the friends of Dude VanWinkle.
>> --JG

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