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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox SSL Spoofing and Domain Guessing vulnerabilities

I only see that FF is current to version  Are you sure that
you are finding this in  If so, where are you getting this
version from?

On Feb 4, 2008 12:10 PM, carl hardwick <hardwick.carl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Firefox seems to have trouble with defining the proper hostname when
> requesting a ssl connection. I was able to trick Firefox in thinking
> the hostname behind the at-sign is legit and the same as the URI that
> requested an ssl connection, and this without a warning.
> PoC: https://www.gmail.com%C0%AF%C0%AF%C0%C0%80@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> You can add as much garbage between .com and the @ sign.
> So what else can we do?
> PoC:
> www.cnn.com%C0%AF%C0%AF%C0%C0%80@google
> www.gmail.com%C0%AF%C0%AF%C0%C0%80@hotmail
> ah heck we don't need that at all:
> www.gmail.comxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@hotmail
> works fine also :)
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