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Re: [Full-disclosure] asking about certificate

Actually.... the QSA is for the employee... the QSC & ASV is for the company. 
In order for a person to have/keep/maintain their QSA cert, they must work for 
If a QSA quits working for a QSC, they no longer have their QSA 
certification.-Jeff WilderCISSP,QSA,CCE,C/EH-----BEGIN GEEK CODE 
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From: lyalc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: nadengine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 
full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 07:44:22 +1000Subject: 
Re: [Full-disclosure] asking about certificate

Follow the links at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/index.htm
Note - AVS applies to the company, not an individual.
QSA certification applies to both the company and the individual.

-----Original Message-----From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of shadow 
floatingSent: Monday, 28 January 2008 6:42 AMTo: 
full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: [Full-disclosure] asking about 
certificateHi all,i'm required to certify for ASV pci-dss certification, can 
anyone provide me with any information about this certificate?thanks 
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