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Re: [Full-disclosure] IN RESPONSE TO "Norfolkdesign.com theft and deceit"

Do you have the wrong list?  I'm not really sure how this applies to the
full disclosure list.

On 1/15/08, Ronnie - Norfolk Design <ronnie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Norfolk Design wishes to formally state that the 'Norfolk Design
> Accessibility Engine', which provides a user-configurable text-only version
> of web-page is not a rebranding of the BBC's BETSIE text-only engine.
> Furthermore, Norfolk Design's code does not contain any source code from the
> BBC BETSIE engine.
> The 'Norfolk Design Accessibility Engine' was written, and is continually
> developed in-house by Norfolk Design.  Unlike BETSIE, the 'Norfolk Design
> Accessibility Engine' is written in ASP and runs on our Windows IIS servers.
> In addition, Norfolk Design would like inform anyone reading the false
> claims to the contrary of the above statement, that it has a signed, written
> declaration, from the BBC Litigation Department stating,
> *"...we are happy to confirm that the BBC does not consider the Norfolk
> Design Code to infringe the BBC's copyright in the BETSIE source code." *
> Finally, Norfolk Design realises this is a clear case of defamation of
> character and is fully prepared to take further action in a UK court of law
> if necessary.
> Kindest regards
> *Ronnie Zahdeh*
> *Managing Director*
> Norfolk Design
> *Limits are in the mind, not on the web.*
> *Website:* http://www.norfolkdesign.com
> The information contained in this email is sent from Norfolk Design and is
> intended to the addressed recipient(s) only. The content is confidential and
> privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please be aware that any
> disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents is prohibited and
> could be considered illegal. If you have received this electronic message in
> error, please accept our apologies, notify us immediately, and delete the
> message. It is important to note that this email may contain views which are
> the opinion of Norfolk Design.
> All email sent from Norfolk Design is scanned using both client-side and
> server-side multiple virus scanners using Norfolk Design's own servers. We
> take every measure possible to ensure our emails do not contain any viruses,
> but please note that we do not take responsibility if this eventuality
> occurs. It is your responsibility to ensure all emails you receive from
> Norfolk Design, are scanned with your own virus protection software.
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/