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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Professional IT Security Reviewers - Exposed] SecReview ( A + )


You'd be right only if you weren't wrong. That being said, we're 
not going to talk to the trolls any more. While it might be amusing 
it's a waste of our time, and our readers time.

We will continue to write reviews and will continue to be as honest 
and truthful as possible during our reviews. Likewise, if any of 
our legitimate readers have any questions or comments about our 
blog, we'd very much appreciate them. We especially want people to 
comment if they have worked with a vendor that we have assessed, we 
want to know your experience. Other than that, thanks for your time 
and thanks for reading!

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:00:40 -0500 Paul Melson <pmelson@xxxxxxxxx> 
>On Dec 20, 2007 7:19 PM, SecReview <secreview@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > 1.) What are your qualifications for reviewing these 
>> We are a team of security professionals that have been 
>performing a
>> wide array of penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, web
>> application security services etc. One of our team members has
>> founded two different security companies both of which have been
>> very successful and have offered high quality services. Yes we 
>> all sorts of pretty little certifications, but those don't 
>> matter.
>So this is basically a tacit admission that every one of your 
>has something to gain by smearing the competition.  At this point, 
>inclined to believe that the firms you've scored favorably are 
>employers.  You're not only incompetent, it seems that you're
>unethical as well.  Not that I'm surprised.
      The Secreview Team

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      Professional IT Security Service Providers - Exposed

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