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[Full-disclosure] Windows XP SP3 - DCERPC Changes

Changes between DCERPC services on XP SP2 and XP SP3 (release candidate)
This is from a quick and dirty unmidl.py + diff(3) session[1]
Results do not include new services bundled with SP3.
Results are likely incomplete.
Verify this with mIDA.
Happy holidays.
Thanks Dave



dhcpcsvc.dll - DHCP Client RPC Service
[ uuid(3c4728c5-f0ab-448b-bda1-6ce01eb0a6d5), version(1.0) ]

        New operations added:

        long  Function_0c( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_67,
                [in]  long  element_68,
                [in]  [string] wchar_t *  element_69,
                [in] [unique]  TYPE_1 ** element_70,
                [in] [unique]  TYPE_6 ** element_71,
                [out]  long * element_80

        long  Function_0d( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_82,
                [in]  [string] wchar_t *  element_83,
                [in] [unique]  TYPE_1 ** element_84,
                [in,out]  TYPE_6 * element_85

        long  Function_0e( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_87,
                [in]  long  element_88,
                [out] [ref] [unique]  [string] wchar_t ** element_89

        long  Function_0f( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_91,
                [in]  long  element_92,
                [in]  [string] wchar_t *  element_93

        long  Function_10( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_95,
                [in]  [string] wchar_t *  element_96,
                [out]  TYPE_8 * element_97

        long  Function_11( 
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_107,
                [size_is(*element_110)] [out] [ref] [unique]  long ** 
                [out]  long * element_110

lsasrv.dll - LSARPC
[ uuid(12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ab), version(0.0) ]

        New operations added:

        long  Function_4f( 
                [in]  long  element_1115,
                [in] [unique]  [string] wchar_t * element_1116,
                [out] [context_handle]  void * element_1117

        long  Function_50( 
                [in]  long  element_1119,
                [in,out] [context_handle]  void * element_1120

        long  Function_51( 
                [in]  long  element_1122,
                [in] [context_handle]  void * element_1123,
                [in]  long  element_1124,
                [in]  TYPE_78 * element_1125,
                [in]  TYPE_70 * element_1126

msdtcprx.dll - MS Distributed Transaction Controller RPC Service
[ uuid(906b0ce0-c70b-1067-b317-00dd010662da), version(1.0) ]

        Completely removed from XP SP3

p2psvc.dll - Peer Networking Identity Manager
[ uuid(a2d47257-12f7-4beb-8981-0ebfa935c407), version(1.0) ]

        Changes to structure definitions used by operations 5, 6, 7, and 8
        Changes to the function definitions for operations 5 and 7

scesrv.dll - Security Configuration Editor Engine
[ uuid(93149ca2-973b-11d1-8c39-00c04fb984f9), version(0.0) ]
        Completely removed from XP SP3

seclogon.dll - Secondary Logon service
[ uuid(12b81e99-f207-4a4c-85d3-77b42f76fd14), version(1.0) ]
        Completely removed from XP SP3

termsrv.dll - Terminal Server
[ uuid(5ca4a760-ebb1-11cf-8611-00a0245420ed), version(1.0) ]

        A range check was added to the last argument of operation 0x24
        char Function_24(
                [in] [context_handle]  void * element_228,
                [out]  long * element_229,
                [size_is(element_232)] [out]  char  element_230,
                [in]  [range(0,32768)] long  element_232
        In XP SP2, this operation is defined as:
        char  Function_24( 
                [in] [context_handle]  void * element_228,
                [out]  long * element_229,
                [size_is(element_231)] [out]  char  element_230,
                [in]  long  element_231
        Since this is a size_is() field, we can assume this is an overflow check

        This operation is known as RpcWinStationEnumerateProcesses()

        Since it requires a context handle, its likely post-authentication.

wzcsvc - Wireless Configuration
[ uuid(621dff68-3c39-4c6c-aae3-e68e2c6503ad), version(1.0) ]

        New operation added:
        long  Function_15(
                [in] [context_handle]  void * element_207,
                [in]  TYPE_13 * element_208,
                [in,out] [ref] [unique]  TYPE_13 *** element_209

1.Used 'cabextract' to extract files from the SP2 and SP3 installers. Ran 
unmidl.py on each file from SP2, normalized element and type names, then 
compared it with the output from each file in SP3. The SP2 file set was 
probably missing some files, so there will be gaps in this data. 

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