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Re: [Full-disclosure] pcap flow extraction, Net::Frame is your friend

You could try with this simple Perl program.

It will print the source and destination IPv4 addresses, and the source 
and destination TCP ports.

It should be able the analyze a 6GB file, but in case it fails, look 
at editcap (shipped with Ethereal/Wireshark). editcap will help you 
to split a large file into multiple smaller files.

use strict; use warnings;

use Getopt::Std;
my %opts;
getopts('f:F:p:w:', \%opts);

my $oDump;

die("Usage: $0\n".
    "   -f  file to read\n".
    "   -F  pcap filter to use\n".
    "") unless $opts{f};

use Net::Frame::Dump::Offline;
use Net::Frame::Simple;

$oDump = Net::Frame::Dump::Offline->new(file => $opts{f});
$oDump->filter($opts{F}) if $opts{F};


my $count = 0;
while (my $h = $oDump->next) {
   my $f   = Net::Frame::Simple->newFromDump($h);
   my $len = length($h->{raw});
   my $ts  = $h->{timestamp};
   next unless $f->ref->{IPv4};
   next unless $f->ref->{TCP};
   my $source      = $f->ref->{IPv4}->src;
   my $destination = $f->ref->{IPv4}->dst;
   my $srcService  = $f->ref->{TCP}->src;
   my $dstService  = $f->ref->{TCP}->dst;
   print 'o Frame number: '.++$count." (length: $len, timestamp: $ts)\n";
   print "Source:      $source\n";
   print "Destination: $destination\n";
   print "Src service: $srcService\n";
   print "Dst service: $dstService\n";

END { $oDump && $oDump->isRunning && $oDump->stop }

On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 06:35:42PM +1100, Ivan . wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any ideas for flow information extraction from a rather
> large pcap file, 6 gigs?
> I am after the standard stuff, source, destination, service.
> Ethereal/wireshark is a no go, as it won't process the file due to size,
> tcpflow is OK, but a little untidy.
> any suggestions are appreciated, preferably open source and also has anyone
> used "tcpdstat" for something like this?
> thanks
> Ivan

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