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Re: [Full-disclosure] need help in managing administrators

On Dec 6, 2007 1:12 AM,  <Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, 05 Dec 2007 23:57:19 EST, Dude VanWinkle said:
> > try this "hey boss, you will cause regulation, expose national secrets
> > to commies,
> Umm.. hate to break it to you, but the design was for an *open* research
> network. If you said "you'd be exposing data to the commies", the overall
> reaction would have been "Wow.. Success". :)

Really? Man my Georgia Pubic School education left that off. I thought
70's ppl hated commies..

> Remember that the whole *idea* was that everything connected to the
> Arpanet was there because it's purpose in life was to be accessible to
> as many people as possible - it's where the "Information wants to be free"
> meme *came* from.
> How do you sell "security and lock it down" to the comp center director
> who is intentionally burning through several million dollars a year to
> make the site as open as possible to the world? ;)

Didn't even think of this aspect, thanks for the lesson, Pops :-P
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