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Re: [Full-disclosure] High Value Target Selection

On Dec 1, 2007 8:09 AM, gmaggro <gmaggro@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...
> Why not advocate? If you did get in trouble for this post, I don't think
> adding a caveat like "of course not advocation" would help you much, if
> at all. Like those quips in Phrack or Paladin Press books "For
> educational purposes only". Bwahahaha!

Paladin Press, now you're taking me back...  ah, the days.

not advocating because as funny as some dude in jeans and a t-shirt
firing up a thermal lance would seem, in the end the darwin awards
need no assistance.

also, i don't want them cloggin' ma tubes!  jeez mang.

> Really, how much trouble could we get in if we posted up a list of
> street addresses, each address being a building that contained
> significant telco and/or routing infrastructure?

try it, it's amusing.  remember the all the photogs getting hassled by the
man for merely taking pictures of bridges and plants and such?

if you're actually effective at amassing a good database of infrastructure
information you'll get the attention you so desperately crave; i promise!


> Probably be some interesting/useful information poking around BGP land
> and looking at ASs and their relationships in more detail. Especially
> when cross-referenced to actual physical locations.

not really, focus on the physical transport.  the MPLS/IP layers just confirm
what you should have suspected all along: apparent diversity at the routing
layer is sharing way too much of the same physical transport.

(in telco land, one SONET span over aerial transport and the other buried
plant is considered sufficient "path diversity/redundancy".  never mind that
the same right of way is used...)

> http://xkcd.com/195/

xkcd is highly recommended.   in particular, a Shibboleth to sift the
pyro-anarcho-dimwits from those who recognize more effective means
at expressing and redressing grievances against their government.

one last hint: news feeds are a great way to discern details about critical
infrastructure and response times for repair.  don't forget to set your
google news alerts...

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