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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox File Focus Stealing vulnerability
- To: "Juha-Matti Laurio" <juha-matti.laurio@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox File Focus Stealing vulnerability
- From: "Nate McFeters" <nate.mcfeters@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 12:37:29 -0500
More than likely all the gecko based browsers will be vulnerable to this.
So that would include Mozilla, Camino, SeaMonkey... possibly even things
like Thunderbird if you could get it to render.
Nice find guys!
On 12/1/07, Juha-Matti Laurio <juha-matti.laurio@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Netscape Navigator version is affected too. Test done with
> PoC-type URL mentioned on Mac OS X 10.4.10 fully patched.
> Vendor was contacted on 1st Dec 2007.
> - Juha-Matti
> carl hardwick <hardwick.carl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Firefox File Focus Stealing vulnerability:
> >
> > Sorry Mozilla, but the recent file focus fix was not enough. I think
> > Mozilla made another mistake while fixing the previous file/label
> > issue. Because now I embed a file field and a textfield inside one
> > label. When this happens, and you type only one time in the textfield,
> > the focus travels to the file field and the value travels with it.
> > Back to the drawing board I would say. I only got it to work in
> > Firefox, Gareth checked Safari for me, and it also works in Safari. I
> > guess this type of exploit could function on other HTML objects as
> > well, and could be very dangerous because it only requires a one time
> > focus in a textfield.
> >
> > PoC here:
> > http://carl-hardwick.googlegroups.com/web/Firefox20011StealFocusFlaw.htm
> >
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