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Re: [Full-disclosure] spammer wades into US Presidential race

Spam is a part of our lives

On Nov 8, 2007 1:34 PM, lsi <stuart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > > 4. Analysis of spam for the benefit of the group.
> >
> > You have made a logical leap that I do not follow.  How does it
> > benefit the group?
> Some people have issues reading the signs, particularly the Received:
> lines.  I only did this after you requested additional analysis,
> however.
> > > 6. Scooping wired.com by a whole 3 days.
> >
> > Again, big difference between sending an uncorroborated email with no
> > analysis and no investigation, and Wired's story.  At least Wired
> > tired to investigate.
> In a distributed incident of this nature, someone has to be the first
> to post a "strange traffic on port x" message.  In this case, the
> research cited by Wired served to independently corroborate the
> initial observation.  Obviously, if I hadn't posted my message, they
> would have nothing to corroborate with.
> > Crimes happen all the time.
> You're right, so screw it.  Let's elect a spammer as Prez, why not, I
> suppose it's better than the current twit.
> > > I have no intention of doing any further research.  That is a job for
> > > the police and the appropriate federal electoral authorities.
> >
> > So, I again ask, why mail full-disclosure if it's a job for the
> > police?  What job did you think that full-disclosure would perform?
> FD is monitored by every major LEA in the world.  Posting here is a
> good way to notify all of them at once.
> Please drop this now.  Posting the fulltext of an incident is a
> legitimate use of this list.  The fact that it was spam is
> irrelevant.  The usefulness of the post was underscored by Wired.
> Stu
> ---
> Stuart Udall
> stuart at@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx net - http://www.cyberdelix.net/
> ---
>  * Origin: lsi: revolution through evolution (192:168/0.2)
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