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Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows default ZIP handler bug

> However, I put together a Flash video showing the bug.  It may not be
> exploitable, but I also haven't been keeping up with the latest bad
> pointer / alternate code path research stuff.  Maybe someone can do
> some ninjitsu code exec using this...

I had a quick look with SysInternals' ProcMon.

Given a B.ZIP file inside an A.ZIP file, the sequence is roughly the

- User clicks on A.ZIP
- Explorer opens A.ZIP and extracts content into a temporary "A" directory
- User clicks on B.ZIP inside A.ZIP
- Explorer opens B.ZIP and extracts content into a temporary "B" directory
- Since A.ZIP is no longer referenced, temporary directory "A" is deleted
- User clicks "back"
- "A" directory not found, explorer closing

I feel you'll have a hard time trying to control EIP ;)

- Nicolas RUFF

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