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Re: [Full-disclosure] spammer wades into US Presidential race

A vote for ron paul is a vote for al qaeda

On 10/28/07, lsi <stuart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [Well, it could be worse.  Spam that wants to end the Iraq war,
> great! - Stu]
> Return-Path: <janek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Received: from
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> (may be forged))
>         by x.y.net (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id l9S5irW8004442
>         for <x@xxxxx>; Sun, 28 Oct 2007 05:44:54 GMT
> Received: from [] by dns02e.hants.gov.uk; Sun, 28 Oct
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> Message-ID: <000701c81925$02a66001$93e966b1@qgddwrot>
> From: "derk gaston" <janek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <x@xxxxx>
> Subject: Government Wasteful Spending Eliminated By Ron Paul  yGVed
> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 03:57:28 +0000
> [...]
> Hello Scott,
> Ron Paul is for the people, unless you want your children to
> have human implant RFID chips, a National ID card and create
> a North American Union and see an economic collapse far worse
> than the great depression. Vote for Ron Paul he speaks the
> truth and the media and government is afraid of him. This is
> the last honest politican left to bring this country out of
> this rut from the War Profiteers and bush Administration has
> created. Get motivated America, don't believe the lies of the
> media he has also WON the GOP Debate On Sunday! Value Freedom
> and Liberty instead of corporate lies and corruption. Bypass
> this media blackout they are doing to Ron Paul, tell your family
> and friends and get involved in a local group at meetup.com make
> your voice heard! He will end the War In Iraq immediately,
> He will eliminate the IRS and wasteful government spending, and
> eliminate the Federal Reserve and restore power to the people
> and the only person not a member on the CFR. Can any other runner
> make these claims or give Americans the true freedom we were all
> raised to believe? We are all economic slaves to the banks and the
> illegal federal Reserve. This is why our currency is worth nothing
> because of Hidden Inflation Tax and the IRS taking everything
> you make!
> He has NEVER voted:
> * to raise taxes
> * for an unbalanced budget
> * to raise congressional pay
> * for a federal restriction on gun ownership
> * to increase the power of the executive branch
> He HAS voted:
> * against the Iraq war
> * against the inappropriately named USA PATRIOT act
> * against regulating the internet
> * against the Military Commissions Act
> He will eliminate the IRS, Wasteful Government Spending &
> Stop The Iraq War Immediately!
> Most importantly, he voted NO on anything in Congress that
> is not allowed by the Constitution. And he Despises any
> politican that does not do their job for the people and lives
> up to the constitution!
> Google.com & Youtube.com Search: "Ron Paul"
> Join The Revolution!
> ***************************************
> We Need A Real President That Will Restore And Protect
> Americans! Stop The War! Protect Our Borders!
> *********VOTE RON PAUL 2008************
> rIQdkb
> -- End --
> ---
> Stuart Udall
> stuart at@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx net - http://www.cyberdelix.net/
> ---
>  * Origin: lsi: revolution through evolution (192:168/0.2)
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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