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Re: [Full-disclosure] MySpace URL redirection

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Sorry,but you really worry me.How do you think it is possible to keep
up with the blackhats if you don't stay in touch.

Pen-testing is,after all,legal hacking.If ya can't figure out what the
new rules are in the hacker world are,how would you ever be able to
protect against it?Much less see if a site(s) are vulnerable.

Keeping up with the Jones' is a good way to learn the technique du
jour.Closing yourself off from the real world will leave you stale and
out of the loop.


worried security wrote:
> On 10/27/07, Morning Wood <se_cur_ity@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> redirection yes, crash no ( IE7 ) crash yes ( IE6 )
> morning wood, why would you want to crash IE6? is this because you're part
> of the whole zone-h agenda? yeah crashing IE6 is something you script
> kiddies do.
> if this was someone else mentioning IE6 crashes I wouldn't be worried, but
> its the fact you're connected to the biggest malicious hacker website
in the
> world that it really concerns me.
> check out his website everyone, http://www.zone-h.org they tell script kids
> to submit defacements to their website and morning wood is part of the
> his picture is even in the staff section.
> everyone keep an eye on morning wood and I urge you to not associate
> yourself with him on the mailing lists, he is constantly being investigated
> because of his links with the zone-h agenda.
> n3td3v
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