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Re: [Full-disclosure] the disappearance of the dog lover Petko D. Petkov

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 19:00:17 CDT, phioust said:

> As the whole security industry knows Petko D. Petkov ( pdp architect ) has
> been releasing daily 0day daily until last week.  Since then mr. petkov has
> gone missing from the mailing list and the world is waiting for his return.
> These events are also strange since the other mastermind Gadi Evron has gone
> missing. We at litchfield security believe this not to be a concidence.

There's a logic tool called Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation that
covers all the known facts is most likely the right one.

Has anybody ever seen Gadi and Petko in the same place at the same time?

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