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Re: [Full-disclosure] Gmail 1.1.0 for BlackBerry remote DoS

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Anyone have Geoff's gmail address?

- -JP<getting malicious>

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:39:44 -0400 Kristian Erik Hermansen
<kristian.hermansen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>I have tested and confirmed this bug on a BlackBerry 8700c in a
>repeatable fashion.  Three outcomes are common (so may be race
>1) Entire BlackBerry OS freeze. (On soft-reboot, you will see the
>uncaught Java exception for Gmail app)
>2) Gmail freezes for some time, and then OS can recover (Gmail not
>responding, and killed)
>3) Or no DoS at all (if you are lucky)
>Here is the message you will get...
>"Uncaught exception: Application gm_8700_v4_0_L1(147) is not
>responding; process terminated"
>The way I have commonly invoked this is to send an email of at
>20k in size to Exchange-synced email address on the same device.
>the user has Gmail account open, it is more likely to go into DoS
>condition if you are composing an email or replying to a large
> Maybe this is due to Gmail trying to auto-save the draft at the
>time and hanging?  Also, how is the hacker community debugging
>BlackBerry apps for security issues?  ie, can I remotely debug the
>processes via USB on the 8700c?
>Thanks in advance...
>PS -- Oh, I just thought that since we are talking about
>BlackBerry, I
>should mention another funny bug, but not a security issue.  It
>has to
>do with multi-byte character manipulation...
>Tested on 8700c v4.2.1.96 (Platform  Follow these steps
>reproduce the Arabic array index out of bounds exception when
>making a
>phone call...
>Home -> Settings -> Options -> Language -> Change Option -> Arabic
>(funky chars, top item in list) -> Save
>Home -> [do this next part quickly] tap 9, tap 0 quickly twice,
>char is still highlighted tap DEL.
>"Uncaught exception: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"
>Kristian Erik Hermansen
>Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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