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Re: [Full-disclosure] *****SPAM***** OMG - I just won the lottery! For real!!11!
- To: nowhereman@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] *****SPAM***** OMG - I just won the lottery! For real!!11!
- From: "James Matthews" <nytrokiss@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:44:46 -0700
On 10/17/07, jeroen <nowhereman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The 'postcodeloterij' is indeed a lottery in the netherlands, competely
> legit and pretty wel known. Thousands of dutch people have won prizes...
> however... the lottery only applies to dutch people. Freely translated
> 'postcodeloterij' means 'zipcode lottery', and it only uses dutch zipcodes
> so for anyone in another country to be able to play in this lottery they
> need a dutch postbox or an address in the netherlands and even then, they
> don't mail ppl with this kind of nonsense ;-)
> Grtz,
> Jeroen
> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 15:43 +1000, Kelly Robinson wrote:
> Oh my god! I am going to be rich beyond my wildest dreams. All I need to
> do it give these guys...
> * All my personal details
> * All my contact details
> * All my banking details (including a swift code which I dont know what
> that is. I will have to call the bank in the Netherlands to find out)
> ...And I can retire :o) I wont have to find some rich guy to marry
> afterall.
> Although ... I dont remember entering this lottery - because I havent been
> 18 that long and it wouldnt be legal!?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *postcodeloterij claim section* <snsofficepost@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Oct 16, 2007 9:08 PM
> Subject: From Remittance Department
> To: caliana1989@xxxxxxxxx
> From Remittance Department
> Tel:+31 619 289 644
> Fax:+31 619 289 645
> sns Bank
> Marienplaatz 78,
> 5291HM,Den Haag
> The Netherlands
> Date:16th-10-2007.
> Dear Kelly Robinson,
> Your email has been awarded a lump sum pay-out from the free (Computer
> Email Ballot) international Lottery Program by the
> Postcodeloterij.nl<http://postcodeloterij.nl/>
> .
> We the entire staff of sns Bank wish to congratulate you as a result of
> our verification exercise for being one of the lucky winners in this
> season's lottery promotion. This is an independent promotion and is
> unconnected to any publication. No purchase of ticket necessary. You are
> picked as one of the winners because you have been using Internet services
> for some time. So we can say with confidence that your email was selected as
> lucky one among others. Be informed that this lottery promotion was
> conducted through the Internet worldwide random selection, the participants
> and winners were picked randomly through a computer ballot system. For
> payment of your winning prize of the 'B' draw 1st category winning prize of
> Euro 1,000, 000.00 (One Million Euros) to be transferred to your nominated
> account by sns Bank.Our bank will contact your bank officially about it
> during the cause of transfer.
> Outlined herein are the terms and conditions for claiming your prize:
> 1. You must be the age of 18 and above.
> 2. The account opening forms must be properly filled out. Any wrong
> information provided will result to automatic disqualification.
> 3. You are to work with your accounting officer here by providing him
> with all required information's for smooth transfer of your fund to your
> designated account in your country.
> 4. As the winner, you are responsible for the minimum initial deposit( MID
> ) of your account to be activated with sns Bank,as this minimum initial
> deposit ( MID )is non deductible from the prize won.
> 5. Any leakage of your winning information resulting to a double claims,
> will disqualify your winnings.
> 6. Note also that, you are not obliged in any way to claim this prize
> award and you have every right to reject it, this does not affect your
> statutory rights.
> 7. Employees, relatives of Postcodeloterij-nl and sns Bank are excluded
> from participating in this program.
> 8. To be eligible for claims,you must complete the claim process before
> the deadline.
> 9. Filling the claim form means acceptance of the full terms and
> conditions enumerated above.
> If you agree to the terms and conditions,send back the account opening
> form by email attachment and that you agree to the terms and conditions to
> proceed in claiming your prize .You are to fill the Account opening Form and
> send back by FAX or as email attached file for the Account Activation.
> Attached with this mail is the Account Activation Form which must be
> completed and sent back to this office for the process of Activation of your
> Account with sns Bank. You are to send a scanned copy of your ID,passport or
> driver's license for proof of identity for us to proceed with the transfer
> of your winning prize to you.
> The Form allows you choose the kind of account you will like to own with
> sns Bank. Remember to quote your winning numbers in all correspondence with
> us.
> Note: The claiming process must be completed before the claims expiration
> date of 10 working days from today,after which all unclaimed prizes will be
> forfeited.
> Thanks in advance for banking with us.
> Yours Faithfully,
> Marie Young(Mrs)
> For:Mr.David Matoya
> _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe
> in it. Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html Hosted
> and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
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