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Re: [Full-disclosure] IRM Vendor Alerts: Six critical remote vulnerabilities in TIBCO SmartPGM FX


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why does irm waste their research on shit that no one uses? Is irm going to
be the next morning_wood?

ps: thanks for your ollydbg tutorial at http://milw0rm.com/papers/178.
There is not already 1000s of guides online explaining how to set
breakpoints and find imports so thanks for this valuable information.

On 10/16/07, Andy Davis <andy.davis@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> IRM have discovered six critical remote vulnerabilities in TIBCO SmartPGM
> FX. Five of these vulnerabilities could potentially result in an attacker
> gaining remote administrative control of the server on which SmartPGM FX is
> running and therefore, also allow access to any data stored on or being
> communicated by the server.
> The final vulnerability, a Denial of Service attack, would stop the
> SmartPGM FX service so that file transfers could not be performed.
> More information can be found at the following location:
> http://www.irmplc.com/index.php/111-Vendor-Alerts
> Once TIBCO has produced either workarounds or patches to mitigate these
> vulnerabilities, IRM will release advisories which will include full
> technical details.
> Andy Davis| Chief Research Officer
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