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Re: [Full-disclosure] pdp architect, drraid, beastiality, and incest

Do you understand the concept of protecting people and corporations from
total idiots trying to gain access to their systems?PDP just lets others
know what he found,while the offending company is working on a fix,in a
minimal way.

If you were a true researcher,you should be able to find the same with
the clues he provides.Yay for PDP not feeding script kiddies!

phioust wrote:
> While it may be immature to make fun of pdp architect and drraid about
> incest and beastiality while its probably not true, I still wonder why they
> would post info about vulnerabilities only to not release them. The only
> thing i can think of is 'fame' and its obviously working against them.
> "*pdp architect, drraid, beastiality, and incest"*
> On 10/15/07, scott <redhowlingwolves@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Why don't you grow up and go away!
>> imul@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> What do these things have in common?
>>> Well for one pdp and drraid share an extremme fetish for sick porn,
>>> but also they love to post info on "future" ( read non-existant )
>>> 0day/exploits that they have possession of. As noted in previous
>>> research [1] drraid posted claims of ssh 0day [2] which were never
>>> verified and no advisory has been made. Our email to Avert labs at
>>> McAfee went unanswered. We still wonder why its employees are
>>> holding 0day information from the public.
>>> We also wonder why pdp architect ( incest fetish lover ) makes
>>> similar types of posts [3] about skype when he works for a
>>> pentration testing company. We have also heard news that pdp is
>>> using 0day xss bugs in incestboards.com to view the members only
>>> board where he shares stories about love affaris between him, his
>>> dog, and his grandfather.
>>> To pdp architect: incest isnt natural no matter how good it feels.
>>> [4]
>>> ps: many lulz @ [5]
>>> [1] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2007/Sep/0705.html
>>> [2] http://drraid.blogspot.com/2007/09/ssh-keep-it-secret.html
>>> [3] http://www.gnucitizen.org/about/pdp#comment-50201
>>> [4] http://www.way2hope.org/incest_survivors_help.htm
>>> [5] http://www.gnucitizen.org/about/pdp#comment-36666
>>> imul martinez (heil brazil)
>>> (imul AT hushmail DOT com)
>>> Food Director of lul-disclosure Corp.
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