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Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox has a very seriouscalculation bug

Great.  The 2007 version of the fdiv bug.


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Steven Adair" <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 13:20:51 
To:"Larry Seltzer" <Larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc:full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, carl hardwick <hardwick.carl@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Firefox has a very serious
 calculation bug

So are we dealing with an RDCB (Recently Disclosed Calculation Bug) or was
this just a mistake?


> Actually, I see 5.1000000000000005 in both browsers.
> Larry Seltzer
> eWEEK.com Security Center Editor
> http://security.eweek.com/
> http://blogs.eweek.com/cheap_hack/
> Contributing Editor, PC Magazine
> larry.seltzer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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