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Re: [Full-disclosure] defining bugtraq

hi. more time spent finding 0day, less time spent discussing 0day, aka
stfu, kthx.

also fuck pdp and gnucitizen, the only amazing part is that he has gotten
anyone to take him serious.

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, worried security wrote:

> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:00:15 +0100
> From: worried security <worriedsecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Full-disclosure] defining bugtraq
> bugtraq is a moderated mailing list for hackers to tell the government and
> corporations about 0day, governments and corporations should only discuss
> the mission critical under a 0day disclosure.
> the government or corporation should not disrespect the person who posted
> the original advisory, the moderator should not let people downgrade the
> severity or weight of an advisory post on bugtraq.
> governments and corporations should thank hackers for posting a 0day
> advisory in the first place, the moderator should not let someone called
> gadi evron ruin the mailing list and scare hackers away.
> more questions are going to be raised about gadi evron and the bugtraq
> moderator, than what a 0day is, you have disrespected gnucitizen, you make
> him not want to post anymore advisories, you make him scared to post again,
> incase he says the wrong thing. he is scared he has said the wrong thing,
> and doesn't know what is the right thing to say.
> he just post his advisory about the 0day, he did not expect this kind of
> reaction. the term 0day discussion has been blown out of all proportion
> compared to the advisory post.
> an advisory is just to warn you that a 0day exists in a product, it doesn't
> mean full disclosure, its just an advisory, that somewhere a 0day is present
> in the underground, and he or others may have created it.
> it is 0day because you don't have the details yet about it. just because he
> posts an advisory doesn't mean its not 0day anymore, its still very much
> 0day, because you don't know about it and no patch is there.
> get over your ego trip gadi evron and leave the poor guy alone, he is scared
> now, you have scared him.
> i can't believe this guy used to work for the israeli government, its
> unbelieveable his actions on bugtraq.

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