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Re: [Full-disclosure] [fuzzing] Vulnerable test application: Simple Web Server (SWS)

Thanks Gadi,

Good stuff. Only problem we are having with it that it keeps crashing
even with all the vulnerabilities disabled in the GUI. This makes
verifying the findings a bit harder. :)

E.g. disable all vulnerabilities in the GUI and try sending this
through netcat to SWS and voila!

GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-us
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: -1
Host: www.example.com:80
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Codenomicon HTTP Server Test Tool; Windows 
NT 5.1; 11549; http11-content-length-v-int)

Best regards,

Ari Takanen & Jari Tauriainen (who did the dirty testing work)

PS. "This web server MUST NEVER BE USED ON THE INTERNET" - couldn't agree
more, even with all the intended vulnerabilities disabled. ;)

PPS. Seriously, Good Work! We need more neutral non-critical test
targets like this. ;)

On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 12:00:02PM -0500, 
fuzzing-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:06:29 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Gadi Evron <ge@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Every once in a while (last time a few months ago) someone emails one of 
> the mailing lists about searching for an example binary, mostly for:
> - Reverse engineering for vulnerabilities, as a study tool.
> - Testing fuzzers
> Some of these exist, but I asked my employer, Beyond Security, to release 
> our test application, specific for testing fuzzing (built for the beSTORM 
> fuzzer). They agreed to release the HTTP version, following their 
> agreement to release our ANI XML specification.
> The GUI allows you to choose what port your want to run it on, as well as 
> which vulnerabilities should be "active".
> It is called Simple Web Server or SWS, and has the following 
> vulnerabilities:
>     1. Off-By-One in Content-Length (Integer overflow/malloc issue)
>     2. Overflow in User-Agent
>     3. Overflow in Method
>     4. Overflow in URI
>     5. Overflow in Host
>     6. Overflow in Version
>     7. Overflow in complete packet
>     8. Off By One in Receive function (linefeed/carriage return issue)
>     9. Overflow in Authorization Type
>    10. Overflow in Base64 decoded
>    11. Overflow in Username of authorization
>    12. Overflow in Password of authorization
>    13. Overflow in Body
>    14. Cross site scripting
> It can be found on Beyond Security's website, here:
> http://www.beyondsecurity.com/sws_overview.html
> Thanks,
> Gadi Evron.

Ari Takanen                       Codenomicon Ltd.
ari.takanen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       Tutkijantie 4E
tel: +358-40 50 67678             FIN-90570 Oulu
http://www.codenomicon.com        Finland
PGP: http://www.codenomicon.com/codenomicon-key.asc

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