Robert Lemos wrote: > In this case, without judging how truthful the Chinese are being Hackerganda... Buzzword? Who cares. Lets play Politrix, here goes... "China has downloaded 10 to 20 terabytes of data..." said Maj. Gen. William Lord, director of information, services and integration in the Air Force’s Office of Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer, during the recent Air Force IT Conference in Montgomery, Ala. ( 1) 10 - 20 terabytes? Undetected? What a marvelous feat. What kind of connection did they have to do this without being detected since they bbviously they went undetected for at minimum, 10 terabytes of data according to this quote. Who was watching logs? Were they asleep at the wheel too a-la 9/11 pseudointelligence agencies. Maybe China borrowed Peter Lothberg's mothers backbone to do this ( 2) Notice how the remainder of the quote was left off? Here it is in full: “China has downloaded 10 to 20 terabytes of data from the NIPRNet (DOD’s Non-Classified IP Router Network),” Funny NIPRnet is unimportant information in fact a majority of it can be found via Outside of this play on words in all honesty if the US government gets its information stolen then they deserve it. What the hell am I paying uber taxes for outside of the War in Vietnam2k. Here is a "story" since people will make what they want out of it. Story goes, a friend was talking to another friend who happened to be a platoon leader in Iraq. The military friend spoke in angst to his friend because his squadron was sending out orders to each other pre-tour via hotmail and IM. Secret, Top Secret information... All went out via non secure channels. Hows that for security. How about those moronic diplomats who confused anonymity with security and were logging into their email accounts with a tor proxy. Hrmm... torny# whoami root torny# cd /usr/local/squid/logs/ torny# ls -ltha cache.log -rw-r----- 1 squid squid 40K Sep 6 09:49 cache.log torny# ls -ltha store.log -rw-r----- 1 squid squid 602K Sep 13 11:16 store.log torny# tail -n 2 store.log 1189611525.071 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF B8721ECBA84E697E3D431CC57BEF9972 200 1189611784 -1 -1 text/plain -1/138 GET 1189700157.679 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 28228FB9480AEE7916FD738A209C6027 200 1189700417 -1 -1 text/plain -1/138 GET Funny thing is I leave this opened purposely as part of a honeypot. Never have I used my squid proxy server but guess what: torny# grep login store.log 1187186702.458 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 0EE6D49B3E4BA072166EBF15AAF26ABE 200 1187187634 -1 375007920 text/html 599/599 POST Wait... Am I running an analyzer!@^@%$ ... The government needs to get their stuff together period. As for the "hey chinese hax0red our toolbar" ... "no USA hacker Chinese Great Steamed Dumplings" BS its all political chess. If the US truly wanted to stop it they COULD (note the word COULD), question should be do they really want to or are they (the US) simply filling these "vulnerable" machines with honeypot garbage material. -- ==================================================== J. Oquendo "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta" sil . infiltrated @ net
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