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[Full-disclosure] ekoparty 3rd edition CFP


  ekoparty 3rd edition - www.ekoparty.com.ar
  Information Security/Insecurity Conference.
  November 30th (Friday)/December 1st (Saturday), 2007
  Argentina - Buenos Aires - Capital Federal - Bauen Hotel

Ekoparty 3rd edition is recruiting everyone who is interested in showing
their researches and/or develops in the field of Information
Security/Insecurity in order to be shown on the third edition of this event.

Ekoparty will take place during Friday (November 30th) and Saturday
(December 1st) 2007 in the amphitheatre of Bauen Hotel - 360 Callao Av.  -
Capital Federal - Buenos Aires - Argentina.

The author of every selected speech will be able to attend as event speaker.
In cases  the speech should be delievered by several speakers, only 3
speakers will be allowed.

Where to send speeches*

Speeches shall be sent as attached file to the following email:
charlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Speeches will be received until November 10th

How to send speeches*

The following data shall be included in the proposal:

* Title
* Author(s): First and Last name, short personal description, domicile,
association, organization, or company they belong to if applicable.
* Estimated delivery time: Speeches usually last 45 minutes. In case of
needing more or less time it is going to be evaluated in pre-selection
* Short description of the speech: One or two paragraphs explaining -not so
briefly-  delivery content.
* Target speech level: To classify as: newbie
* Required skills: Specify required skills of attendants.
* Topic: General topic to which the speech belongs to (Network Security,
Forensic, Secure Programming, 0day attacks, Wireless Security, etc).
* Author/s's Phone number.
* Author/s's home address.

Deliverers expenses*
The expenses of deliverers (passages tickets, transfers, lodgings) of those
who are out of Capital Federal will be charged to ekoparty.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/