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[Full-disclosure] Fwd: most powerful supercomputer, etc.

I'm amazed the CIA haven't been onto NetDev's new alias, seeing as though he
tries, to all intents and purposes, to function like al-Qaeda's global PR
and conspiracy-theory consultant.

Having said that, a CIA ninja party booting down NetDev's door and dragging
him out of bed (probably interrupting a marathon masturbation session) would
simply justify his paranoia, so maybe they've elected to leave him alone.

On 03/09/07, Throwaway1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Throwaway1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
> Net-Dev's current alias wrote:
> ------------------------------
> "just like the u.s intelligence
> services allowed a foreign government
> or terrorist group such as al queda
> to do 9/11 as a proof of concept
> to show the american people that a
> "war on terror" was necessary."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> And FDR allowed the Japs to bomb Pearly Harbor, and Lincoln allowed the
> attack on Ft Sumter.
> Hell... Even Leonidas allowed Xerxes to encircle him to help create a
> legend.
> Normally, I would feel obligated to point out that you're an idiot, but
> your reputation is already well established and that won't be necessary.
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> Geoff write:
> ------------
> "Uh... I think you're missing some
> key points about the gov't and the internet..."
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> It appears that most of the people on this list are coders, and coders
> have
> an unfortunate tendency to forget that their computers are attached to a
> NETWORK. Nor do they seem to be completely aware of precisely what the
> "network" is or what it does.
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> Timo Schoeler wrote:
> --------------------
> maybe some time you realize
> that there are only about 500
> idiots world-wide that make people
> (i.e. blatant idiots like soldiers)
> fight against each other?
> soldiers are murderers... period.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> 1) Given your last statement, you should probably consider yourself lucky
> that you aren't in the geographical vicinity of THIS former soldier.
> 2) People who are prone to silly conspiracy theories should perhaps be a
> bit less sanguine about calling OTHER people idiots.
> 3) Your ability to sleep peacefully in your bed at night, then wake up and
> insult your betters; was granted to you BY a soldier. In your case, you
> are
> NOT welcome.
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