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Re: [Full-disclosure] World's most powerful supercomputer goes online (fwd)

On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 18:37:11 BST, hack the gov said:
> On 8/31/07, Jay Sulzberger <jays@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >   now that they have the world's most powerful supercomputer system at thei
> >   disposal, what are they going to do with it?
> absolutely nothing.they're a bunch of pussys sitting infront of their
> computers with weak bone structures and a bend in their neck from
> sitting there so long.

No, between Storm and the Rock Phish stuff, I hardly think they qualify
as "pussies".  Taking in $150M with *one* of their projects makes them
seriously big time.


>                        if they try anything stupid, the secret service
> will be around to straighten their bendy geekofied necks and crush
> their bodies into a fluid.

No, more likely, the Russians will demonstrate their techniques on the
Secret Service guys.  They didn't get to control most of the Russian
economy by being nice guys.  Messing with them gets you seriously *dead*.

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