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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Tool] - Metagoofil

Hi Deeþan, 

In the README, you can find information about the configuration.  You 
must install "libextractor" and change the content of the "extcommand" 

The program by default has a windows example, comment line 25 and 
uncomment line 27 for OSX.


Deeþan Chakravarthy wrote:
> Christian Martorella wrote:
>> Tool page:  http://www.edge-security.com/soft.php
>> Download link http://www.edge-security.com/soft/metagoofil-1.2.tar
>> Regards,
> Hi Christian,
>  The program seems to work only in windows. I'm only have linux and 
> OSX. Let me know if you have
> a linux version. The source seems to be python, but it uses some exe 
> where it breaks.
> Regards


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