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[Full-disclosure] September 6th Chicago 2600/DefCon 312 Meeting Information

The September Chicago 2600/DefCon 312 Meeting is near! The meeting
will be Friday,
September 6th at the Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club and will feature much
of the same usual fun that all of you have grown to expect!

[Metasploit Workshop]
Approximate Time: 4 hours
Start Time: 8pm

This month there will be a metasploit workshop for those who are
interested.  There WILL be a charge of $5 USD to basically cover the
cost of materials.  Please contact Steven McGrath if you would like to
register.  We will be covering how to use metasploit as a user, how to
write your own exploit plugins, and how to use some of the more
advanced features of metasploit.  Software and materials will be

* Laptop (Mac/Linux/Windows) capable of running VMWare
* Laptop with full Ruby on Rails and ruby-sqllite3 installed.

[Presentation Information]
- 9:00pm - Hax by Jaku (Jaku)
- Tentative - ChicagoCon, the perspective of the Organizer (Donald Donzal)
- After hours - Wii, Music, Socializing, etc.

[General Information]
- Meeting Time: 7.00pm - Approx. 3-5am
- Meeting Date: Friday, September 6th
- Place : 2501 W Irving Park Road, Chicago
- More Info : http://chicago2600.net

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/