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Re: [Full-disclosure] [inbox] Xbox live accounts are being stolen

charge back the charges on your card with your credit card company.  You're
not liable for any fraudulent charges on most CC's, some have a $50

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Ashley Wilson [mailto:amwilson85@xxxxxxxxx]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:09 PM
  To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Subject: [inbox] [Full-disclosure] Xbox live accounts are being stolen

  Hey there,

  I'm so very frustrated with Microsoft and went on a search to see if
anyone else has had the same issue and low and behold, I came across you're
article of sorts.

  Its been over a month now, since I was hacked. I woke up on a Sunday
morning, check my email as I do everyday. I had 4 emails from Microsoft
stating I purchased 20000 Microsoft points and a year subscription. As most
people would, I panicked and wondered what kind of insane thing happened.
When I turned on my Xbox and attempted to log into my account, I couldn't.
My boyfriend shortly after that, recovered my account on the Xbox and we
came to find out that my username had been changed, all my friends had been
deleted off my list and my motto was changed to "LOL I got jacked."

  I was furious to think someone could do such a thing. They not only stole
my account but over 400 dollars was spent on my credit card.

  I called Microsoft support shortly after that. I got the "run around."
Transferred to one agent and then another. They basically accused me of
giving out the information. I eventually got to speak to a supervisor, who
assured me that everything would be taken care of. They even said they would
catch the individual that did this and assured me a phone call in a few
days, as they had to send in a full investigation the next day.

  3 weeks later and I was still waiting for a call.

  I decided it was time for me to call them, since obviously I as a customer
wasn't important to them. Again, the "run around." I spoke with again,
another supervisor who informed me that they hadn't even sent out the
investigation yet. He assured me that he would send it out that very day and
I should receive a call within 3 days.

  I sat home waiting to receive a call for 3 days.

  Again, I never received a phone call.

  By the 4th day, I called again.

  Speaking with an agent who assured me, I will receive a call. "Its under
investigation now, you have to wait for a phone call."

  Now, 2 weeks later and I called again today.

  I'm told that they attempted to call me today and I have to wait to speak
with them because there is nothing they can do. I paid for a subscription
that I am not getting to use and apparently won't be able to use. I'd also
like to mention when he said they tried calling today, he said they left a
voice mail message. I don't have voice mail, so I got concerned. Then he
read "my phone number" It wasn't even my number and I had never heard the
number in my life. Slightly odd, since I gave them my phone number the
previous time I had called.

  Now I'm suppose to receive a call this Thursday. We will see.... I won't
hold my breathe.

  I am so very frustrated that Microsoft as huge a cooperation as they are,
doesn't even have the decency to call me or reimburse me for a 50 dollar
Xbox live account.

  I apologize for this longwinded email and I'm not even sure if you still
care about this issue but I was quite overjoyed to see I wasn't alone.


  Ashley Wilson
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